If you haven’t been living under a rock, then you are well aware that Angular 2 is well on its way forward. While it is in Alpha now and not ready for production use, it is definitely moving ahead fast it seems… and best to keep your eye on!
Angular 2 Site including documentation and how to:
For learning Angular 2, there is also a series of blog post’s underway as a part of the Ionic blog (the Ionic team is currently working on their next version of the Ionic Framework to incorporate Angular 2):
While Angular 1.x continues development as well, there is of course much talk about how we can convert an application from 1.x to 2.x. While that documentation is largely still under creation, this post does introduce to us that the capability to begin migrating individual components one at time. This means that Angular 1 and 2 can live together in the same application, and you can begin to migrate larger applications slowly over time. Personally this is the best news in terms of an upgrade plan that I could have asked for, as it will allow much earlier adoption to Angular 2 in larger applications.
This is a very interesting article that discusses how people have begun to use Angular 2, and how they plan to use it going forward. It discusses survey results around the ways different people intend to use Angular 2 and is a great way to get an understanding of what features and patterns are getting traction and which ones are not.