Meetup: Getting Started with Azure Pipelines

I had the pleasure this evening of presenting at the “Brampton DevOps/Cloud Computing Meetup“. It was a nice atmosphere where we got to sit down and talk a lot about different aspects of using Azure DevOps out of the box and quickly moved into some more advanced deploy pipelines.

Often when presenting or sharing about Azure DevOps the biggest hurdle is explaining that it is not specifically for “Azure” Cloud. After you get it unboxed and running it is pretty cloud-agnostic. It has some built-in tasks that make getting up and running quickly in Azure, but AWS also has provided native tasks to make using it just as easy over there. In fact, at SPS Commerce we make pretty good use of Azure Pipelines with just under 200 engineers pushing out hundreds of builds and deploys each day.

Definitely need a spot to sit when you are working through an hour or more of live demos!

The presentation was had a few slides upfront with some intro concepts, but mostly focused the rest of the session on live demos to build out a pipeline:

Repository Demo:

  • Built and deployed the app to Azure App Service
  • Separated out the Build from Release to provide a dynamic number of deploy environments.
  • Setup immutable auto-incrementing version numbers.
  • Deployed the “same” immutable versioned assets to AWS in a release.
  • Setup our build using YAML in the repository.
  • Setup our build using Containers to build and deploy.
  • Touched on some advanced features related libraries, encrypting variables, task groups, and a multi-stage pipeline preview.

Be sure to check out upcoming events at this meetup. Hoping to submit a few more topics myself in the coming months.

If you missed it, here is a quick overview that is worth checking out:

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