Meetup: .NET Harmony with EF Code First, ASP.NET Web API, & OData

This week I will be presenting at a local .NET User Group meeting in Barrie, ON ( some of the efficiency’s to be gained out of the latest from Entity Framework Code First, ASP.NET Web API, and OData (and don’t worry REST is in there too). Its a fantastic overview and introduction of all the technologies separately and then shows how they integrate together, as well as how you might consume them from various clients such as JavaScript, or Consoles.

The presentation also dives into a simple example of using WCF Data Services against an EF data store, and how simple and easy it is to get up and running in exposing the full data model.

This overview should provide you with enough information to know under what circumstance to use which technology and entry point.

The presentation deck and full examples is attached.

Download Deck & Example Solution (VS2012)

One Comments

  1. Yooner says:

    Awesome presentation and example! Very helpful and am honoured to be the first to comment.

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