Top 5 Tips I Learned My First Year Speaking at Conferences

Introduction This past year, 2022, was a breakout year for me to engage with opportunities in speaking and presenting to the external software development community through meetups, conferences, and podcasts. I relished every chance that I had to chat and...

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SPS Commerce + No Fluff Just Stuff (NFJS)

SPS Commerce + No Fluff Just Stuff (NFJS)

If you have ever gone browsing for some great conferences for software engineers, you likely have come across No Fluff Just Stuff, aka NFJS. NFJS offers a network of conferences and webinar topics, both big and small concentrating on anything...

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Speaking at DevOpsCon New York 2021

Speaking at DevOpsCon New York 2021

Had the fantastic opportunity to join the schedule for DevOpsCon New York this year in 2021! I had originally submitted a ton of CFPs across a majority of similarity-focused conferences in early 2020. It was keenly interesting to see the...

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Meetup: Unleashing Deploy Velocity with Feature Flags

Feature Flags Like many engineering teams, SPS Commerce has been on a journey to Agile and DevOps over the past decade. Consistently, one of the strongest enablers to a more frictionless DevOps culture and experience has been the decoupling of...

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