Build Server Error with Multi-Threading: Access is denied.

  Most recently and in the past I have encountered this error in running build definitions on TFS 2012: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets (3540): Unable to copy file "C:\BLD\4\Project\Name\Binaries\BinaryFile.dll". Access to the path ' C:\BLD\4\Project\Name\Binaries\BinaryFile.dll is denied. Which is pretty crazy since, the...

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TFS Version Control Guide

If your using TFVC for your source control and repositories of code, then you have probably already realized that developing a strategy for branching and merging and some best practices can be relatively simple, or it can be very complex...

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TFS 2012 Web Access Advanced Work Item Searching

If you ever found yourself searching a lot looking for a particular item in TFS 2012 Web Access, you may have been frustrated when the search results keeping coming back with no results, despite you knowing the exact title of...

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Team Foundation Service (TFS) Preview

You read the title correct, I did say SERVICE and not SERVER. This new Team Foundation in the Cloud offers all the TFS Server functionality in a fully managed environment. Currently this is in preview mode, and is 100% free...

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