TLS 1.0 & 1.1 Docker Container Support

If your anything like the rest of the DEV teams in the world you know doubt have had some exposure to dealing with TLS 1.2 support for the many dependencies and applications you integrate with. There is a strong likelihood...

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ASP.NET Core MVC Custom Model Binding

What is Model Binding? Model Binding in MVC refers to how HTTP Requests are intercepted by ASP.NET Core Middleware and translated to the signatures of MVC Controllers that you define and subsequently to represented model objects on those signatures. Consider...

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Meetup: ASP.NET Core on Serverless Infrastructure

ASP.NET Core (and .NET Core in general) is very exciting with its recent evolution and is only getting better. Its cross platform nature now gives us the ability to deploy on platforms with .NET that were never an option before....

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SignalR & Forms Auth Expiration

I ran into a problem today with SignalR. That feels weird to say since SignalR always seems to be one library that just works and does exactly what you want. This particular issue specifically revolved around a site that had...

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ASP.NET Bright Future (4.5.2 & vNext)

 .NET 4.5.2 If you have not taken a look yet, be sure to check out the .NET Framework 4.5.2 release. It has a couple of new things to note: I was initially excited about the QueueBackgroundWorkItem method on the...

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Web API Signatures with Multiple Complex Parameters

I’ll qualify this post up front by say it is probably going to be more of a “rant” than most. That being said, I am very big fan of ASP.NET Web API, and am looking forward to see the enhancements...

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External Project Resource (RESX) Consumption

Using resource files can sometimes be troublesome when you need a particular resource in both a Web application mark-up or code-behind and inside a business tier or data model. When you push the Resx file further back into you’re project,...

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Elmah Error Logging without HttpContext

For those that use or have used Elmah for error handling, you may have gotten quite use to its logging modules and handlers. If you are not quite sure what Elmah is or what it can do…. you should probably...

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