SPS Commerce + Azure Pipelines: A CI/CD Journey

SPS Commerce + Azure Pipelines: A CI/CD Journey

SPS Commerce is a "booming" technology and SaaS-based organization to work for. Like any enterprise that has consistently done double-digit growth for the last 20-years (I say that like there are a lot... but not as many as you might...

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Speaking at DevOpsCon New York 2021

Speaking at DevOpsCon New York 2021

Had the fantastic opportunity to join the schedule for DevOpsCon New York this year in 2021! I had originally submitted a ton of CFPs across a majority of similarity-focused conferences in early 2020. It was keenly interesting to see the...

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Meetup: DevOps Underground London

Meetup: DevOps Underground London

Had a great opportunity to join up with DevOps Underground Meetup from London today to talk more about Feature Flags after a great talk on Microservices. It's always refreshing to talk with the community of engineers, and while feedback is...

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Meetup: Getting Started with Azure Pipelines

I had the pleasure this evening of presenting at the "Brampton DevOps/Cloud Computing Meetup". It was a nice atmosphere where we got to sit down and talk a lot about different aspects of using Azure DevOps out of the box...

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